Resinc Rip Demos

The 2021/22 SLSCC Resinc Rip Demonstrations have been a resounding success with demonstrations conducted across 5 different locations. These demonstrations are a vital tool during the busy holiday period to not only educate our Central Coast locals but also highlight the risks and dangers of our beaches to our visitors from all over Australia. Our facilitators, Nicci Hill and Graham

SLSCC Rookie Challenge

The SLSCC Rookie Challenge was once again a huge hit this season. 72 of our Central Coast Rookies met at Toowoon Bay SLSC, to participate in a fun competition, that tested their lifesaving and rescue skills. The challenge is team orientated and incorporates two theoretical and four physical events. Designed to replicate lifesaving scenarios that our Rookies may face on

New Volunteer Opportunities

Donating money isn’t the only way to give to charitable organizations, many of whom rely on volunteers for various services. If you find yourself with free time on your hands on your weekend, or during the week, you could consider putting in some community service. Not only will you help a good cause, but it can also be a way

Celebrate Microvolunteering Day

You want to get involved and give back to the community, but can’t fit another big commitment into your busy schedule? Then microvolunteering might just be the thing. Microvolunteering is a small, bite-sized task or project, that is quick and easy to perform. Best of all there’s a range of things you could do online, in as little as 30