Gordon Crabb, John Roderick and Paul Johnston

North Avoca Surf Life Saving Club is celebrating its third member who has achieved the rare milestone of completing 50 years of active patrolling service for the Club.

Gordon Crabb received his prestigious award with the two other 50 year North Avoca patrolling members being present – John Roderick and Paul Johnston

It was a special and unique occasion for a single club to have three active 50 years of patrolling service members with 100% attendance. 

This prestigious award in Surf Life Saving recognises the members for their diligent service to their club, Surf Life Saving and their community by attending their rostered patrol over a span of 50 years.

These gentleman have held executive club management positions and between all three have actively been involved in lifesaving, education, surf sports, nippers and fundraising.

“These clubmen have dedicated their entire to life to North Avoca and the community and continue to be role models for the younger lifesavers of our club” said Mr Slattery, North Avoca Club President.

This is a special occasion and one that both North Avoca SLSS and Surf Life Saving Central Coast and are very proud to recognise and celebrate. Congratulations to Gordon Crabb, John Roderick and Paul Johnston for achieving this exceptional milestone. 

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