Surf Life Savers have never been safer in competition then what they are now after the successful implementation of fluro pink competition safety vests in water activities.

It has now been several seasons since the vests were first mandated in all water competition delivered by Surf Life Saving Central Coast. At the time SLSCC were unsure how this major change in policy would be received by the membership, but these vests are now just as accepted as the swimmers and nipper cap are part of the uniform.

They form part of the culture of the movement and are worn not only in racing but also in training and other water activities, meaning the movements young surf lifesavers have never been safer.

The vests allow the water safety and supervisors to better identify the competitors when participating in water activities and if at any time a competitor was knocked unconscious and submerged underwater it would significantly speed up the time in locating and recovering the patient from the ocean.

Surf Life Saving Central Coast was proactive in being the first Branch in NSW to mandate the competition safety vests for water competition, one year ahead of national policy to mandate Competition Safety Vests by competitors in all water competition which commenced at the start of the 2013/14 season.

At the Junior Branch Championships, Surf Life Saving Central Coast held a function to recognise the support from the Freemasons on the Central Coast who have partnered with SLSCC by providing over 16,000 vests to the SLSCC membership over the past three years which are worn by competitors in water activities making them accessible to all members.

Surf Life Saving Central Coast President, Stuart Harvey, is proud that the competition safety vests now instilled as part of the culture of the organisation.

“The safety of our members is paramount at all times during Surf Life Saving activities and the pink competition vests have further boosted the safety of our members during competition.” Bright pink was chosen after substantial research from Surf Life Saving Australia and it is now much easier for our officials and water safety to keep an eye on competitors in the water.”

“We are extremely proud and grateful for the support from the Freemasons on the Central Coast who have financially contributed towards the purchase of safety vests for every competitor who participates in Surf Sports activities on the Central Coast. They should be commended for their foresight and contribution towards the safety of our members.”

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