On the 29th January 2020, SLSCC held a Life Members Dinner at MacMasters Beach SLSC. With 29 of the 33 SLSCC Life Members attending the evening.

The contribution to Surf Life Saving on the Central Coast all these life Members have made is incredible. Stuart Harvey SLSCC President and Branch Life Member said the wealth in this room tonight is something special, we are very fortunate to have this all these great people so passionate about Surf Life Saving on the Central Coast.”

As part of the dinner, Stuart highlighted the achievements of the branch over the past 18 months. A notable achievement is the inclusion programs, which are established at six surf clubs across the Central Coast. A video was shown of the Avoca Sharkies program which saw a tear in the eye of some. They heard from Mr Alan Whelpton AO and his experiences in Surf Life Saving. The next presentation was from Umina’s Jenni Darwin who presented their SLSA Club of the Year presentation, which showed the level of capability a Central Coast club can have. They also heard from Umina’s Kai Darwin who received the SLSA Young Life Saver of the Year last year about his journey through Surf Life Saving so far.

Overall, the night was a hit with many old mates reuniting for the first time in a while and sharing their stories with the younger Life Members.

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