Local surf clubs have sent rescue crews to the lower North Coast in response to the unfolding flood crisis early this morning.

North Avoca crew up at Lower North Coast

Four inflatable rescue boats and crews have deployed to the region, with further crews put on call out notice should the need arise.
Surf lifesavers from North Avoca, Terrigal, Toowoon Bay and Macmasters SLSC have travelled north to assist with flood rescue duties, with boats from Umina, Wamberal and North Avoca sent up alongside the crews.

Central Coast Crews at Taree

Ocean Beach and Umina SLSC have also been put on notice and have prepared additional resources and call out crews to be rescue ready for the continuing crisis unfolding along the Hawkesbury region.
Surf Life Saving crews will work alongside the SES and other Emergency Services as part of the statewide response to the flood events over recent days

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