The SLSCC Rookie Challenge was once again a huge hit this season. 72 of our Central Coast Rookies met at Toowoon Bay SLSC, to participate in a fun competition, that tested their lifesaving and rescue skills.

The challenge is team orientated and incorporates two theoretical and four physical events. Designed to replicate lifesaving scenarios that our Rookies may face on surf patrol.

The Theoretical events include a group theory test and a signals test. These events test the Rookies theoretical knowledge of surf patrols and first aid situations.

The physical challenges are designed to test our young U13 and U14 Rookie Lifesaver’s rescue techniques and skills. In these events, each member of the team, negotiates the break zone and proceeds to their allocated can about 100m off shore. They then perform various pickup techniques, to collect their patient, before returning to shore.

The skills our Rookies display is a culmination of the learning they receive through their Nipper programs. Each year their skills and knowledge are built upon. As they reach their final years of Nippers, they become capable of assisting surf patrols teams in first aid and rescue.

The Rookie Lifesaver Challenge is one of the most enjoyable events of the season but also a very important event, as it helps local surf clubs develop and retain their young lifesavers, as well as build team spirit, which is a vital aspect of all patrols.

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