If we can’t see you, we can’t save you.  So please be safe and always swim between the red and yellow flags.

  • Always swim or patrolled beaches
  • Swim between the red and yellow flags. They mark the safer area for swimming
  • Always swim under supervision. Read and obey the signs
  • If you are unsure of surf conditions, ask a lifesaver
  • Don’t swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Never run or dive in the water, even if you have checked before as water conditions can change
  • If you get into trouble in the water, stay calm. Signal for help, float and wait for assistance
  • Use 30+ sunscreen and wear a shirt and hat. Remember to re-apply sunscreen after swimming
  • Learn how to spot a rip and keep clear of it
  • A rip can be recognised by sand coloured or rippled water running out to sea when the water on either side is generally cleaner
  • The waves may also be larger and breaking further out to sea on both sides of the rip
  • Keep the beach clean, put your rubbish in a bin and keep off the dune areas
  • http://www.beachsafe.org.au/Visiting_the_beach