Club Rookie Coordinators Meeting

To assist Rookie Coordinators with preparation for the upcoming 2023-2024 Season, SLSCC have organised a Zoom meeting for Rookie coordinators within the Central Coast clubs to attend to help you start your season. Lachlan Coppen is the new Youth Manager for SLSCC this season and will be delivering information on the season ahead for Rookies.  Please ensure your Club Rookie

Education Field Day

North Avoca SLSC 46-50 North Avoca Parade, North Avoca, NSW, Australia

Registrations are now open for the 2023-24 SLSCC Education field Day. The Education field day provides trainer, assessors and Facilitators with the latest information and updates to courses, resources, policies, processes, or systems within SLS or the wider VET sector. The day is a great opportunity to network with their peers and catch up on the latest information relating to