Young lifesavers from across the coast were recognised at the Newcastle Permanent Junior Lifesaver of the Year announcement last weekend.

The group of 19 nominees, each representing their own surf club, were congratulated at the Junior Branch Carnival in a special award ceremony.

A female and male winner are selected from the nominees. This year Tarah Bryers from Terrigal SLSC and Jonathon Hall from Ocean Beach SLSC were awarded first place and announced the SLSCC Newcastle Permanent Junior Lifesavers of the Year 2021.

“It is incredible the community spirit shown in all of the nominees. Whilst we only award two members with this prestigious award, it is clear the amazing job our clubs do in developing these young lifesavers to become great Australians.” Said SLSCC Director of Youth, Amy Fletcher
All the club nominees undertake an interview and lifesaving tests as part of their formal application process.

The standard of the nominees was extremely high this year “said Amy Fletcher. “These young lifesavers are to be congratulated for their efforts in representing their clubs. The future of the organisation is in safe hands if the quality of the JLOTY nominees is anything to go by.”

Tarah and Johnathan will now go onto represent Surf Life Saving Central Coast at the NSW Junior Lifesaver of the Year camp being held in Narrabeen in April.

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