Our Annual Junior Activities Conference was held on Saturday 4th September. The online format had four sessions with various focuses areas for JAC’s, age managers and water safety personnel.

The Conference aims to deliver the latest Nipper information and deliver thought-provoking topics to ensure our clubs continue to lead the state in Nipper’s program delivery and innovation.

With the current conditions and fluid nature of the start of the season, Surf Life Saving Central Coast has implemented a new suite of online lessons for our nipper programs. The programs will be utilised when “traditional” nippers is unable to be run such as wet weather or lockdown restriction.

The new suite of online programs will follow the existing Junior Development Resource which our clubs use on the beach. “This new suite of lessons is incredibly exciting for our branch as we move into this new era of blended learning opportunities across the organisations,” said Central Coast Youth Activities Director Amy Fletcher.

This year the conference has built on the content which was delivered last year and targeted topics such as online education for nippers and age managers, Use of digital platforms adoption across the organisation, COVID Safe nipper programs and member protection and safeguarding.

Thank you to all our presenters who have once again done an amazing job in delivering their topics to the Central Coast nipper community.

To view all the content which was discussed during the conference visit our Nipper resource page.

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