The 2021/22 SLSCC Resinc Rip Demonstrations have been a resounding success with demonstrations conducted across 5 different locations. These demonstrations are a vital tool during the busy holiday period to not only educate our Central Coast locals but also highlight the risks and dangers of our beaches to our visitors from all over Australia.

Our facilitators, Nicci Hill and Graham Johnson, place an enviro friendly dye into the water to show the speed and direction of the rip. The dye gives not only a great visual to the spectators but also creates a vivid representation of the dangers present from moving water at the beach. At this point, two local surf club members, qualified in their SRC or Bronze, enter the water and demonstrate the difficulty of swimming against the rip in a safe and controlled environment. Generally at this point, a board rescue takes place, with another club member performing the skill, by pulling the swimmers from the water in a safe manner. While this is happening, one of our facilitators is on the microphone providing audio cues to the club members performing the skills and also explaining to the crowd the whole exercise including the vital message of ‘Swim Between the Flags’.

SLSCC would like to thank the following clubs for being a part of the program this season and providing resources and participants for the demonstrations;

North Entrance SLSC

Soldiers Beach SLSC

Shelly Beach SLSC

Avoca Beach SLSC

The Entrance SLSC

Umina SLSC

We would also like to thank our wonderful ongoing sponsors of this event: Resinc. This program is vital in ensuring our beaches remain as safe as possible. There is no doubt that your support is contributing to lives being saved on our beaches.

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