Technical Official Information

Surf Life Saving Central Coast Technical Officials Program

Officials play an important part within our organisation and are integral to the ongoing delivery of our sport. Officials ensure competitions are run in a safe and secure environment, while maintaining rules and regulations. 

SLSCC are proud to be delivering the “Technical Official’s” program for the upcoming 2022/23 Surf Sport season. Technical Officials choose to fulfil specific officiating role(s) and who work with participants (non-bronze proficient, Surf Rescue Certificate qualified or bronze proficient) who are actively competing in a club, branch, state and national surf sport competition environments. 

Technical Official roles, along with others, include the following; 

  • Referee 
  • Sectional Referee 
  • Chief Judge 
  • Recording Judge 
  • Starter 
  • Marshall 
  • Announcer 

Our program guides participants through the entire Official course process from completing the online modules to completing the practical sessions and mentoring into fulfilling roles on the beach.

Each workshop will take the member through the online “Technical Official” course and have them mentored for the 3 hours period by experienced Surf Sports officials. 

The practical session involves being an official at an SLS event. This session you will be mentored through the position by one of our SLSCC mentors.

After the practical session is complete you will be able to choose from various officiating pathways and begin your journey as a Surf Life Saving Official.

If you are interested in attending a workshop, please get in contact with your club’s Surf Sports Director or Team Manager. 

SLSA Surf Sport Officials training now sits under the umbrella of the National Officiating Accreditation Scheme (NOAS), which covers over 80 different sports throughout Australia and is managed by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC).
The new framework (as at September 2017) has taken over what was formally known as the Junior Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 courses.
The major change to the Technical Officials framework is that it is now module specific and aligned with the level of athlete being supported on the athlete pathway from learn/explore to development, performance and high performance.

There are four levels of the NOAS pathway as explained in detail in the SLSA Officiating Training Plan:

SLSA Core Official ($60)
SLSCC strongly encourage members considering becoming an official to complete SLSA Technical Official Course below. The SLSA Technical Official is compatible with the old Level 1 Officials Course.
Officials working with entry level participants in a club surf sport environment (recreationally or competitively). Participants will generally be non-bronze proficient.

SLSA Technical Official ($60)
Officials who choose to fulfil specific officiating role(s) and who work with participants (non-bronze proficient, Surf Rescue Certificate qualified or bronze proficient) who are actively competing in a club / branch / state surf sport competition environments. Officiating roles may include:
o Marshall
o Starter
o Check Starter
o Recorder
o Timekeeper

SLSA Senior Official
Officials who choose to fulfill specific senior officiating roles and who work with athletes competing in state/national surf sport competition environments. Officiating roles may include:
o Chief Judge
o Referee
o Area Referee
o Sectional referee
o Course supervisor

The Senior Official is also a mentor to other core and technical officials and can facilitate NOAS training workshops in their nominated roles.

SLSA Performance Official
A group of officials who have been identified as leaders within their chosen field. These officials are talent identified as a part of either the NHP Program or as experts outside this particular program.
Each member of this group will be supported with an Individual Official Performance Plan (IOPP) which will facilitate SLSA’s high performance officials to be at the cutting edge of surf sport officiating at the highest level (national / international).
Each Performance Official will be required to attend a biennial Performance Officiating workshop.

Training Process:
Below are the six (6) course completion steps to make new course participants aware of. They also outline the responsibilities of the member, trainer, assessor and branches.

Step 1: Course allocation
You have decided that you would like to become a Technical Official.
• Enroll in the course yourself via the Members Area (
• You will receive an email from ‘etrainu LMS’ once you have been allocated a course.

Step 2: Check for working with children clearance
• It is a requirement for all officials and coaches to present their relevant state/territory’s check for working with children before officiating at any carnival.
• Each state processes these differently. Click here to visit the Play by the Rules website for further information.
• Apply for your relevant state/territory’s check for working with children.

Step 3: Complete the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) online Community Officiating General Principles
• The ASC online Community Officiating General Principles is Module 1 of the SLSA Technical Officials course.
• You will need to register with the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) for access to the ASC Community Officiating General Principles course (no fee). Click here to access Module 1.
• Once you have completed this ASC course, print out the course completion certificate and present it to your Branch/State Centre when attending your face-to-face workshop.
• Your Branch/State Centre will enter this award in SurfGuard (dependent on state).