We are excited to introduce JO Fraser to our Youth Activities Board as our first Branch Nippers Manager. Jo’s experience and knowledge of junior Activities will be invaluable in this roles as she works with all 15 clubs to develop and support all nipper programs across the Central Coast.

“This season we are facing another difficult season and with nipper start date being pushed back we need to be engaging our member base till still,” said Jo at our 2021 JAC Conference. To ensure we can remain relevant and adapt to the restriction Jo will be leading a team to develop online material for central Coast Nipper Programs to implement not just in restrictions but for wet weather and online learning.

Jo first Joined the Surf Life Saving movement in 2010 as a U6 parent and since then has become more and more involved. Through the years she slowly grew her jobs around the club and in 2014 she took on the role of Age Manager and completed her in the same year. After two of success in this role, she moved to Club President in 2016 where she spread her passion for the movement to all members.

In 2020 stepped down as President and took on the hardest role in the club, JAC. Over that season she mentored a new JAC to take on the role for the 2021 season as she moved to Vice Preseident of Surf Operations.

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