The U17-U19 Youth Leadership program is the Central Coast’s flagship youth program. This program is the third and final youth program the branch offers to all youth members. In this final program their skills are further developed as participant take on a more active role in planning their own session.

The challenges and activities undertaken are designed to further develop them as young leaders of the Surf Life Saving movement.

The program has already held 3 sessions. Each session was designed to focus on a certain element of a leadership or lifesaving skill that prepares them for their final activity.

In the final session, the group will be travelling to Pacific Palms for a weekend away. This is to celebrate the completion of the program. Many participants have been involved in all the SLSCC Youth Programs since the U13s. Over the weekend they will engage with the local Life Saving community and take on additional challenges. These challenges will push them to their limits in communication and team building activities. 

As part of the planning for the weekend, all youth participants had to come up with a plan to ensure the financial element of the trip is covered before embarking on this journey. This season they choose to do some localised fundraising around their club and attend some Bunnings BBQs. 

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