Education Field Day was held this year on Sunday 18th August 2019 at MacMasters SLSC.
Once again it was wonderful to see so many of our CTO’s Trainers, Assessors and Facilitators join us for an informative day of updates and presentations from SLSNSW.

49 members took the time to attend. Many thanks to Jono and his amazing Mac’s Team for all the hard work behind the scenes.

With the VET funding starting this season, all 15 clubs received iPads and cases to be able to access the online training material and resources which assist in running courses throughout the year. In addition, our assessors and facilitators participated in upgrading their qualifications. We are fortunate and grateful at the number of upgrades undertaken by our Central Coast educators. A huge thank you to you all involved for updating your training qualifications.

49 members took the time to attend. Many thanks to Jono and his amazing Mac’s Team for all your hard work behind the scenes.

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