
Leadership is a vital factor in the continued development of Australian communities. Surf Life Saving Central Coast (SLSCC) is committed to the personal development of identified leaders within its membership and the wider community. In 2007, SLSCC introduced the Youth Leadership Program targeting 15-17 year old members. It was recognised that this age bracket was vital in completing an effective Leadership and Development Pathway for SLSCC, and thus the Program was developed.

The Program

The Program is structured as a series of workshops in a team based setting which is aimed at youth members who have leadership qualities that can be developed to enhance their future and that of surf lifesaving. Participants will take part in workshops and presentations for focussed learning, in addition to some physical activities and challenges. They will also complete problem solving exercises, face personal challenges and participate in team based activities, all delivered under the guidance of active leaders from lifesaving, business and the community.

Aims of the Youth Leadership Program include:

  • To provide basic training in leadership and development
  • To create situations that promote fun learning experiences
  • To create an awareness of current issues, pathways and opportunities
  • To promote teamwork, communication skills, networking and goal setting
  • To develop confidence and self-esteem in a supportive environment
  • Positively recognising youth members and provide opportunities for ideas to be exchanged
  • To gain knowledge of the structure of Surf Lifesaving
  • Have fun !

Who Can Apply?

The Youth Leadership Program targets current and financial 15-17 year old members who have qualities that can be developed to enhance their future and that of Surf Lifesaving. It is also geared toward creating greater awareness of opportunities for these members. Potential participants can come from a range of different backgrounds, interests and areas of focus within the club environment.